In defense of the Motherland

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We defended our land tonight, due in large part by some changes to our strategy.  We are getting stronger every day, and now we have proven ourselves to be a player on the Clan Wars map.

The details will be coming over the next few days, and I can’t say too much at this point, but we Wilso, Bonestriker and I have been working hard behind the scenes to help make us a stronger Clan.  The alliances that we are forging will be for the benefit of TDC and TDC2, and will benefit us not only now, but once Clan Wars comes out of beta.

In the coming days, we will be seeing great things for the Clan.  I know that some of you were upset that we didn’t have more battles tonight, but please believe me that the sacrifice will be well worth it.  In the days to come, we are going to have plenty of battles, and the chances are that soon we will need to be defending multiple territories at the same time.

As a final note, a great note of thanks needs to be given to everyone who has been putting constructive criticism into the strats, worked with us in the training battles, and helped hone our battle plans into the winning strategy that helped us defend our land tonight against a strong contender inside of 5 minutes.

Congratulations, mates… we are now officially a force to be contended with!